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Engels >> Suggesties

Gesloten Stop buying and selling the same player within few days. (186)

ca Jax >> vrijdag april 1 - 19:43
I really don't care where the tax/money goes as long as it's doing it's job in limiting these types of deals.
ca Jax
eng Stephen >> vrijdag april 1 - 19:44
In my opinion, this is a change that will just hugely increase the amount of luck involved in getting a top class youth from the youth centre. I felt that I could even the score a bit from poor or average pulls by spending time looking at the market and picking up players at good value and then selling them on. Sometimes, this could be done in the same window if a real bargain was involved, but more likely this could be done in the next window. Now, I would have to pay what is essentially a tax on spending a huge amount of my time and some credits on searching for this kind of deal.

I have bought players that no one else was bidding for and some where there was competition. All that will happen now is that I will never bid for a player where I might make a small profit in one window's time or a slightly larger one after one season. These are pretty much the players that very few people are bidding for.

If I'm going to have to keep a player for longer to realise the full value of a transfer fee, then I'm clearly only going to bid for the better quality players. It seems to me from some of the previous posts that it is bids on those players that people would like to diminish so they can get players that they would like to improve their teams. I believe the opposite would happen and people will get more frustrated, not less.

I think it was @ipfreely who questioned the amounts being charged to do this. They seem high to me and a bit like a 'get out of jail free' card for those who aren't astute enough to ask the right price for a player or for those who needed the money there and then for another transfer bid or to upgrade a facility without delay. Using the 'real life' argument makes some sense but, in truth this is a) a private deal that clubs will make between themselves, not some fixed amount that applies to all deals, and this is b) a game.

Despite what I've argued, if this idea is still going to be implemented, then it should not come into force for selling players bought in the current window. Otherwise, there will be quite a few unhappy managers.
eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
ca Jax >> vrijdag april 1 - 19:55, Bewerkt vrijdag april 1 - 19:57
@Stephen I don't know, but it's certainly possible that the percentages are too high. It's not about the manager who is making the initial sale, it's about preventing or at least limiting the immediate resale of players.

I am very open to the idea of simply making the money that would goto the previous owner, disappear. My last post relates to this. This way, the initial seller doesn't get any benefit from selling their wares at a low value.
ca Jax
eng Stephen >> vrijdag april 1 - 20:06
@Jax - I think my point is that I don't really agree with this idea. Luck will become even more an important factor in the game, whether it's winning the 'lottery' of the player with 100 bids or getting a great youth through the YC.
eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
hr Eddie >> vrijdag april 1 - 20:29
The fact that only day-traders are complaining makes this rule a great one. No offense.
hr Eddie
ca Jax >> vrijdag april 1 - 20:32, Bewerkt vrijdag april 1 - 20:34
@Stephen I'm guessing you wouldn't agree with bluntly not being able to resell in the same window, either? I'm not sure I completely agree with your "Lucky" sentiments either.

Nobody is preventing you from buying the same players you do now, developing them for a season and then selling after the season for a large profit. If everybody who does this is now going to do the same, you're not really losing out on anything, in my opinion.

I'm happy to try and find some compromise but I've had enough of seeing players I want to buy for my team, go to another that has no intention of keeping him. If the player had a choice, he'd much rather go to a team that plans to keep and develop him as opposed to one that is going to try and sell him again right away.

Lastly, just because something has been in the game for a long time and many people operate this way, doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. I have and continue to STRONGLY feel that it is against the spirit of the game.

Edit: ...and don't think this rule doesn't affect me. I certainly have been someone who will sell (mid window) as many as 4-5 players that I would pick up in the window before.

I will have to avoid doing that in future but it's a compromise I'm willing to take.
ca Jax
eng Stephen >> vrijdag april 1 - 21:20
@Eddie - this is the first window I've ever bought and resold in the same window. And I'm not 'complaining' as you suggest, just putting forward a different point of view. I spent a lot of time choosing my words carefully to make my point as carefully as possible and without offending anyone. I don't agree with your statement that the rule change would be 'great' based on the feelings of people who have posted. Clearly, any rule change will polarise opinions and people who feel that something they were doing will now be discouraged are going to be not in favour, others who feel that this is not in the spirit of the game or doesn't reflect real life will be happy. This is the same for any of the changes that have been made either recently or in the past.

@Jax - I'd probably prefer not to be able to resell at all, rather than this halfway house.

Perhaps I'm not being clear enough: I would be trying buy different players. Ones that would make the maximum profit, as they'd be spending more time taking up precious squad space. The bank and bot-teams would have to take the rest.

I agree with you on player choice, by the way. But, this was abandoned for better or for worse when players could no longer cancel transfers. I thought the whole point of that system was that level 6 teams wouldn't bid for 12 star giants, but a lot of managers still bid for players who were just too good for the stature of their club.

I probably agree with you that it's a bit of a daft thing to be in the game anyway, but there are so few things that you can influence to get any kind of advantage, luck will play a lot more of a part in the game. Getting an extra supertalent or a youth with an exceptional trait are one way to get an advantage, but these are not things we can influence. Buying that type of player is possible, but there are lots of bidders. When everyone has a 2% or so chance, this is essentially a lottery. The winner is happy and others get to grumble about wasted credits etc.

I also agree with you about something being in the game for a long time etc etc. That was neither a point I made nor sought to make, though.

But, having said all of this, it's fine that you (and others!) don't agree with me. I do feel strongly enough about this to make some lengthy (sorry!) posts, but I'm not going to waste a lot of time trying to change people's minds, as that's usually a futile thing to do :)
With that said, I'll bow out of this discussion now.
eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Kezza >> vrijdag april 1 - 22:01
To be honest this rule change doesn't really effect me at all, but I do think less players will be bought now because if it.. but we'll see :)

Btw for what it's worth I think an early suggestion of 50%/25% makes more sense to me. 80% seems way too high.
eng Kezza
fr mr. bin >> vrijdag april 1 - 23:08, Bewerkt zaterdag april 2 - 01:12
I like Vincent's suggestions! I was always against day-trading. Part of the concern was because it is so unrealistic. Another concern is because it is essentially only possible for vip users. Non vip players sometimes have to accept lower bids because they can only list two players a time. I was very annoyed as a non-vip player by this and decided to become vip myself...
So I welcome this change wholeheartedly and would like to see it implemented.

@kezza I believe it will definitely affect the market if implemented, there will be less transfer.
fr mr. bin
hr Eddie >> zaterdag april 2 - 07:57
mr. bin., mabe there will be less transfers but maybe there will be equal amount of transfers, but players actually getting to the "right" buyers. We can't really tell until we see it in action.
hr Eddie
nl Vincent de Boer >> zaterdag april 2 - 08:19
It won't become impossible to make profits on the transfer market, you'll just have to keep these players for a season. This slows it down and gives a feeling of effort in the training of these players.

Last transfer window there were more than 32000 transfers. 24000 of those were sold to a human manager. Less than 700 players were sold more than once. If this were completely forbidden it wouldn't noticeably reduce the number of transfers.

If I include the previous transfer window then 48000 players were transfered, out of which 1400 were transfered more than once. Taking the previous long transfer window and the following short transfer window it's 1327 out of 50000. So even reselling in the next transfer window is not common.

It will be more common if more people get experience with it and I'd rather not see the game go in that direction. A lot of other football management games completely revolve around day-trading players. In RS it is not easy and as the figures show it's not common, but there are ways it can be exploited so some action is necessary.
nl Vincent de Boer
eng Cloughie >> zaterdag april 2 - 13:09
Agree with vincent last post, i do not trade to make a profit, but I go back to what I said earlier ... I bought and sold two players this transfer window this was due to necessity, I had to make sure I had midfielders and coundnt gamble on getting a good player so bought two average ones.
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Dragontao >> zaterdag april 2 - 13:22
IN reality the necessity you faced shouldn't exist though Cloughie.

1. The English playoffs wouldn't have been affected by an international tournament.

2. You wouldn't have been able to buy players and use them before the season had actually finished.

So maybe those things need looking at too.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
fr mr. bin >> zaterdag april 2 - 15:12
Thanks for the stats, Vincent. It is very convincing.

Clougie, you can still do this under the new rule, you just won't make a good profit. But I see that it was not your aim neither, so it should be fine for you.
fr mr. bin