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الإنجليزية >> كرة القدم في الحياة الحقيقية

Who will win the World Cup? (67)

ro Andrei >> الخميس مارس 1 - 18:36
Zlatan is back in some other universe. He retired from the Swedish NT a long time ago in this one.

And, even with him, they wouldn't win it. They just don't have the squad for it.
ro Andrei
eng Dragontao >> الخميس مارس 1 - 20:17

@Holt, nice try at point scoring once again. Another fail I'm afraid.

Flat Track Bully is not a term solely associated with cricket. Just as many sayings or phrases do, it has evolved beyond any limited original usage. 

There's an argument it originated from the Australian slang for a cricket pitch, but the etymology of the phrase is far from certain.

It now has a much broader usage as defined by most reputable dictionaries. So I'm afraid, once again, you are wrong.


Look up some more definitions if you like. This is now the common meaning.

The only way it might be a poorish analogy when applied to City this season is because they've been pretty much beating everyone, but I'm referring to Pep. Let him take over a struggling team with no money and see how well he performs. He is a flat track bully and will never do that.

In terms of the World Cup, it would apply well to England. Do well against weaker opposition in qualifiers, fail miserably when they come up against the best.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
us Peter >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 02:43

I’m rooting for Argentina or Egypt! It’s a shame USA didn’t make it. I would usually root for England as well, but we know that’s not going to happen. So I won’t emotionally invest myself in the possibility of England winning the WC :P

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
eng holt >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 02:56

@Dragontao Okay,then just asking,do you even like a particular manager ?

eng holt
eng Dragontao >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 09:38

Depends on what you mean by like. Personality, coaching ability etc. Different reasons. 

I liked Mourinho, but he become more like  a petulant child at Real and carried that back to Chelsea in his second spell there. Almost became a parody of himself. Good coach, proved that at Porto more than anything.

Guardiola is a good coach,ibut its easier to coach top quality when you can get who you want. Don't like his arrogance.

I like Conte. Great passion, excellent coach, don't think many would have picked up the pieces and did what he did last season. As usual our board mess up when we win the league and he'll be the one who goes at the end of the season. Like Ancelotti, who I also liked. Not as passionate as Conte.

I like Kllopp. Proved his worth in Germany and is doing a good job at Liverpool (unfortunately ;-p ). Passionate and mad as a box of frogs.

Pochettino is doing a superb job at Spurs (it's horrible, nearly as bad as Klopp at Liverpool lol). 

Then you get managers like Eddie Howe. Like so many others, would he cut it at a big club though. Often quite different trying to manage the big personalities at a top club. 

Mangers personalities often change at big clubs too for some reason. I liked Martinez at Wigan. He turned into a bit of a twat at Everton. Same as Mourinho over the yearsvI suppose, though you turn a biit of a blind eye when they"re at your club.

So there are a lot of managers I like for different reasons.

I think managing an NT team is easier from a man management perspective though. Chris Coolema n with Wales for example. Will he be so good managing a league side. We''ll see.

Speaking of Martinez, ifhe doesn't at least make the semis with that crop of Belgium players, he's underachieved massively.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
nl Vince Dean >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 09:38

Belgium has the best squad in my oppinion.

They lack the experience, but i think they might suprise everyone and take the world cup home.

nl Vince Dean
lv Namejs >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 10:29

I'm rooting for Iceland as long as they are in competition! But in all fairness I doubt we'll see new winners, ,more likely someone will repeat they glory. Not England though they don't have a even a decent keeper (they usual number one is second in West Ham and they haven't really played in someone else). Also England has that enoromous pressure from public that somehow other nations don't.

BTW, those who said that MCity doesn't have englishmen in squad, look again: Stones and Walker in defence and Steerling in attack. 2 of them will definetely be starters in WC. Only team with more England NT starters in EPL is Spurs.

About coaches/managers. Mourinho has serious problems with man managment, he has had it in his last 3 clubs: In Real he didn't know how to deal with Casillas, in Chelsea the whole squad looked disinterested to play for him and now in MU he can't really deal with Pogba.

On other note about managers, in EPL You get manager like Howe who believes his style as much as does Dyche (2 opposite playing styles and both sort of works). But if Howe has been mentioned in England NT shortlist, Dyche hasn't been. And that is the problem with pundits and fans: they want to see attacking playing style when equally adequate results can be achieved playing from defence.

Belgium is the only new team who can get WC but to do so they need to find manager with winning mentality.

lv Namejs
مدير المجتمع
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri
eng Dragontao >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 12:30, التعديل الجمعة مارس 2 - 12:30

Your point about playing style is valid, and with a squad with limited talent, having a manager who picks the right playing style for the players he has, instead of trying to fit players to his preferred style is key. Some managers are very inflexible in their approach. 

Chelsea would never have won the Champions League in 2012 without adopting a more defensive approach under Di Matteo. On the NT front, Greece should never have won the European Championships with they players they had in comparison to other top national sides. The manager was very important.

It always annoys me when people talk about foreign players affecting ther home NT team. England have not won anything since 1966. Before the Premier League they hadn't won anything for 24 years either, yet had plenty of English players in that time. Players good enough for Premier League sides should be good enough for England these days.

Looking at that Greece side that won the Euros, how many of them would have been picked for any of the England teams. Not many, if any at all, and England have not won anything for over 50 years now, because managers pick what they think are their best 11 players, not their best team. If only they'd given Brian Clough a chance with England.

The manager is a vital component.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
in Keju >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 17:26

Yes I agree the pl actually helps English players. The quality of players in the pl will improve their quality and should theoretically help them play internationally.

goalkeeper for England is a major concern especially because he is the second choice keeper for west ham.

management of Germany will win them the World Cup again

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
ca Alex Seymour >> الجمعة مارس 2 - 23:29, التعديل الجمعة مارس 2 - 23:29

Two things I wish had happened in football is that Brian Clough managed England and Wimbledon were allowed to play in Europe during the Crazy Gang era.

Unfortunately a bunch of old farts in the English boardroom stopped one, and UEFA decided to ban only English clubs from Europe despite hooliganism being not just an 'English' thing.

And Fergie couldn't handle Pogba, that is why he left Utd as a kid. Pogba told Fergie who to pick in his midfield and Fergie told him to f off.

Back to topic. Germany will win. On penalties.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
lv Namejs >> السبت مارس 3 - 09:25

Fergie didn't make him most expensive midfielder in the world, Mou did.

While we are at Pogba, I think France has a good chance to go to at least Semi final.

lv Namejs
مدير المجتمع
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri
eng Dragontao >> السبت مارس 3 - 09:45

A midfiled of Pogba and Kante is quite formidable. Pogba at his best going box to box and Kante mopping up everything else is not bad. I'm not sure France are as strong in other departments as they once were.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng holt >> الأحد مارس 4 - 08:51

Best player ?

eng holt
eng Dragontao >> الأحد مارس 4 - 10:40

Best player? We'll have to wait and see.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
in Keju >> الأحد مارس 4 - 11:35


in Keju
in Bengaluru FC