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الإنجليزية >> اقتراحات

New logo and uniforms templates (5)

ro sewn_eyes >> الأحد جويلية 2 - 19:56

The title says it all, have the devs abandoned this game or can we expect new logo shields and models anytime soon? The few ones we currently have are too plain and weirdly shaped, I've yet to see a hexagonal team badge in real life for example.

ro sewn_eyes
ng siege >> الأحد جويلية 2 - 21:54

Too late..they are gone

ng siege
tt siege is still here
ee Balthazor >> الاثنين جويلية 3 - 08:01

It has been mainly one-man-project (Vincent) and he hasn't made any updates several years, he lost even his team at one moment due to inactivity. He involves only when there is some main crash of game like in previous April. Logos and uniforms are smallest things to worry. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ro sewn_eyes >> الاثنين جويلية 3 - 10:08

I played this game a few years before, it's sad to see it will eventually come to an end. For how much longer can we expect the servers to be functional before they're shut off? Can anyone take a guess?

ro sewn_eyes
il Numpty >> الاثنين جويلية 3 - 10:27, التعديل الاثنين جويلية 3 - 10:55

It depends on the number of users. Our best guide is what has happened to their other games in the past. 

They effectively abandoned their previous game, Rocking Rackets, when Rocking Soccer started over 10 years ago. But it's still going.


Vincent also made another game before Rocking Rackets, which I believe was eventually sold to some of the users, who then continued the development.

The main difference with RS is that RR has fewer players and multiple servers each running a copy of the same game, some at different speeds to others. So they have shut some of the servers down when the number of players dropped.  The idea being to consolidate more players onto each server rather than have them sparsely populated. 

With RS we are all playing the same game. In my view there's every chance that RS will continue for another 20 years if the user demand is still there. We just won't see any development or get the bugs fixed. If it gets sold then things might change, which could be for better or worse depending on the buyer.


I never played it, but I believe that Vincent's original game was this one:


il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets