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FIFA Corruption (63)

eng Dragontao >> الخميس ماي 28 - 20:52
How the hell can Blatter hang on to his position, the man is an absolute disgrace. If he claims he knows nothing about it, he has to be incompetent, having ruled the roost while this has been going on below him for years.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ca Jax >> الجمعة ماي 29 - 20:20
From what I know about it, it's all been going on in CONCACAF. North and South America, specifically. I've heard a lot more about FIFA in the last 2-3 days then ever before and I'm sure I'll hear more in the days to come.

Good on both the US and Swiss Justice Departments for their long investigations and producing the goods. These investigations range back over 20 years. I hope the Gov. General was telling the truth when she said that "this is just the beginning".

Blatter will likely be re-elected though. As stupid as it sounds, FIFA is voted on by 180+ Nations and each vote counts just the same. Blatter is the guy who's paid attention to the smaller Countries and won their votes with "Favours" (jobs for family members, money, political influence, etc)

Let's see what happens, though.
ca Jax
ca Jax >> الجمعة ماي 29 - 20:35
Oh, I didn't realize the vote already happened haha. I've been struggling to make it through the day at work.
ca Jax
ni Mr.Glass >> الجمعة ماي 29 - 20:37, التعديل الجمعة ماي 29 - 20:38
FIFA is corrupt. I´ve read several stories from many sources over the last year about how corrupt FIFA is. My only question is if UEFA has it in them to break away. Personally I´d rather watch the EuroCup than a World Cup minus the European nations.
ni Mr.Glass
eng Dragontao >> الجمعة ماي 29 - 20:38, التعديل الجمعة ماي 29 - 20:46
He got back in. It was announced some time ago now.

I hope that UEFA have the balls to go through with their threats against FIFA. Football's power base and wealth is in Europe. Players from Africa and South America aspire to play in the European leagues, primarily for the money.

IF UEFA and the European clubs were to leave FIFA, others would follow. The World Cup and other tournaments would be in tatters because European clubs would then be under no threat of FIFA punishment if they refused to release non-European players for international matches.

Blatter just cannot be allowed to continue in post and his failure to stand down is sheer arrogance.

Though I have a slightly different take on it. Having said he'd step aside before the last election and going back on his word. I suspect he's just as corrupt as the others and he is going to try and stay where he is until he drops dead because he's afraid of what his successor will uncover. He's football's answer to Jimmy Saville - he'll escape punishment by checking out. Despicable excuse of a man, in my humble opinion and FIFA is a terrible organisation.

John Oliver's take on the 2014 World Cup.


Seriously watch it. I love the part where Blatter tries to claim FIFA are a non-profit organisation with over £1 billion in the bank! (which he claims is just a reserve lol).
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ca Alex Seymour >> الجمعة ماي 29 - 22:16
Just reading this here.....are you serious that slimy toad is back in....has David Gill resigned his position yet? I bet even the vote counting was fixed.
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
tc ... >> السبت ماي 30 - 03:07
I believe that in the future, the federations are going to break up and there is going to be much more regional competition. Forget it: FIFA's too corrupt. :/
tc ...
kn Phoenix T&C
eng Robin Bell >> السبت ماي 30 - 04:44
Jimmy Saville lol that's a bit harsh isn't it.
Of course we all believe what we read and see on the over sensational news media right?
Of course it's corrupt, so is your government and your local officials. Man City, Barcelona and the rest of the top tier European clubs all cook the books. Anyone that believes otherwise. Too much money involved for total honesty and "transparency"
FIFA has done tremendous work for all the little name countries of the world, more good than bad.
The irony of this is that a country that just learnt the rules a few years ago and refers to football by the wrong name is now the self appointed policeman..
Now that's funny, what can't they meddle with?
eng Robin Bell
ca Alex Seymour >> السبت ماي 30 - 05:06
To be honest, as much as it pains me to say, the USA has come in and done the correct thing. We all know how dodgy that lot FIFA are, and nothing happened. As soon as the dirty money hit US shores, they are the guys with the balls to take them on. something has to happen and I hope FIFA survives and clears out the garbage.

On top of that pile of garbage should be Mr Blatter. If the ship is sinking, the captain should take the blame. This is a guy that thinks we can solve racism with a handshake. And that's the least of it.
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ca Jax >> السبت ماي 30 - 06:46, التعديل السبت ماي 30 - 06:46
@Robin Knowing the rules and calling it Soccer have nothing to do with the Justice Department. Bribes and other shady dealings, do.

Just because other Nations choose to turn a blind eye to these actions doesn't mean the USA should too. Let's not forget that the Swiss did their own investigation and made arrests, themselves.

Blatter is the epitome of FIFA which is corruption, ignorance and arrogance to the very end. We always knew FIFA was corrupt, but now their is substantial proof.
ca Jax
eng Dragontao >> السبت ماي 30 - 07:00
@Robin Maybe the Saville comparison was harsh but I was mainly referring to the fact he's likely to die before they uncover his wrongdoings. That said, he is a bit of a slimeball, exemplified by comments like his response to how women's football could be made more popular. He said "Well they should wear shorter shorts".

In England players have been punished by the F.A for sexist comments on Twitter, but hey, the head of the World governing body for the sport, that's okay then. We'll just keep re-electing him.

It's amazing, not sure if the other associations around the world have a charge of bringing the game into disrepute, but the English F.A frequently charge people with it. FIFA, the governing body have done nothing but bring the game into disrepute time and time again.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
za Jamal >> الأحد ماي 31 - 13:34
in your mind Blatter is corrupt with no evidence against him. You are just blinded by something, if you were honest you would ask the whole executive to resign not just him. The English can just go and hang their racist platini.
My praise for Blatter is what he did for Africa and continues to do. US want to take control of everything in the world now they run to soccer. I would pick blatter any day to lead our football over anyone from the UK or USA.
za Jamal
eng Dragontao >> الأحد ماي 31 - 14:18, التعديل الأحد ماي 31 - 14:20
If Blatter isn't corrupt, he's incompetent. He is certainly no altruist.

I do think FIFA needs replacing, not just Blatter. I certainly have no more faith in Platini than I do Blatter. Getting rid of Blatter at the top is just a start, replacing him with Platini wouldn't be a step in the right direction.

As to what Blatter did for Africa, and other less financially well off footballing regions, you really think he did it out of the goodness of his heart? It's how he has beren winning reelection after reelection. People wanting rid of Blatter and changes in FIFA doesn't mean we want to see any lessening of the help provided to those nations.

You really think the benefits filter all the way down to many people? Watch the video (link I posted above).

If FIFA continues as is and Europe does go it alone, you really think Africa and those other regions won't be affected? Where do you think FIFA's money will come from then? Change is needed to make sure that doesn't happen.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
no Lied >> الأحد ماي 31 - 14:28
Blatter throws money at Africa because their votes are worth just as much as any other vote. 1300 people have died so far from the slavery in Qatar that Blatter allowed when he gave them the 2022 WC. There are bigger disasters out there but having so many people die because Qatar wants a WC is so unnecessary.
no Lied
ca Alex Seymour >> الأحد ماي 31 - 17:10, التعديل الأحد ماي 31 - 18:55
And things need to change to progress. Most countries only allow leaders to lead for 2 terms, after that it starts to become a dictatorship.

When somebody has been at the top for so long, either apathy or corruption sets in.
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC