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Английский >> Предложения

About abuse of transfer system (66)

hr v >> Пятница Сентябрь 6 - 22:49
I decided to open one of pandora's boxes here.

Some teams are clearly abusing this transfer system by buying players not for themselves but for immediate profit. How are they doing so? They buy your player and in maximum few days, sometimes even within few hours, they sell the same player for higher value! Suppose you are some average club trying hard to grab some good perspective for your club to be better. This teams took away that player from you and why? Do they need him? No! They don't need him as they have much better players allready.

To put an end on this i propose to made a new rule that player bought in this transfer window couldn't be resold in same transfer window. That way this, may i say, cheating, will be stopped as they wouldn't benefit from this anymore unless that player plays in that period. Please, consider this Vincent!
hr v
vu Amun-Ra >> Пятница Сентябрь 6 - 23:06, Отредактирован Пятница Сентябрь 6 - 23:07
I agree to some level. I have also bought players, who I sold shortly after. This was because I found better players and was no longer satisfied with the player I had gotten. I have even sold players with a loss (and I even fired one lol) because I simply needed their spot.

I wouldn't make a rule that players couldn't be sold again in the same transfer period, but I must agree with you that some are abusing this to try and make a quick profit.

You could limit their transfer price to the price they sold him for during the same transfer period. That could be a better solution imo.
vu Amun-Ra
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理 >> Пятница Сентябрь 6 - 23:26
I agree . other soccer webgames all have this rule. It's good for this game.
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理
us Tintin >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 01:12
Thanks god finally someone speak up on this issue!

I like how this game is made to minimize exploitation, but obviously buying/reselling in 1 transfer period is a backdoor for cheating (from many sources, not only like v mentioned above). Also this is not realistic in real life. You can loan right after buy, but not re-sell.

One additional point, if you buy a player in the mid-season transfer window, his match count reset to 0, I can see a scenario in which a player is resold twice every seasons so he could benefited from 40 matches per season and soon enough will be a superstar (not mentioning this could be a backdoor for cheating too)

Here is an example:

Maybe this is intended for some other purposes? I cannot tell for sure but I feel pretty uneasy about this loophole. Maybe restrict the player to stay for at least 1 season?
us Tintin
us Ulysses >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 01:17
This would particularly be an issue if a team from a region with a more active transfer market bought a player from a region with a less active transfer market and subsequently sold the player.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
sg FlameTermite >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 01:55
I think my team did on season 2/3 for buying a keeper at the start of the season and sell in during the transfer window in the mid season and I made a profit. However it is unintentional as I actually found a better keeper. Sometimes people will just find loopholes to put themselves ahead in the game (sad to say...).
sg FlameTermite
eng James >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 05:18, Отредактирован Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 05:26
I agree with this rule, you can't sell a player for a year after you buy them, there was another potential example but the person didn't sell his player! It couldn't be a season after because that would be harsh too people who are buying players now that the transfer window is closed, so it could be you can't sell the player the first transfer window he is fully at your club.
eng James
nl Vincent de Boer >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 06:17
Good point. I can make it so that you can't sell a player in the same transfer window you bought it.

I don't think selling after half a season should be forbidden. You can't really plan which transfers you win so you may have gotten a better player.
nl Vincent de Boer
Главный разработчик
ua Garfman >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 06:37
I agree with this one as well, there are too many managers who abuse this system, unfortunately.
ua Garfman
Главный администратор сообщества
ph Garfman FC
il ofer cohen >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 07:09
i don't agree
it happens to me at season 2 that i was looking for a good keeper for my team
i oofered 2 keepers at the same time (because of the sysytem you can't kmow for sure you will get the player you want even if you offer the mosy...) and i got... both

of course i sold one of them again in lower price
it wasn't cheating - it was cause of the system !!!

therefore i think the rule not to sell a player you bought at the current transfer period is problematic
if you want to void cheaters - make a rule you can't sell a player you bought at the same period in higher price he was bought
il ofer cohen
eng Kezza >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 07:27
I don't agree either...

You do not know what players are going to become available during the window.. Especially near the end. I would buy a decent player and then a week later an even better player appears on the list... Why shouldn't I be able to change my mind and get rid of the weaker player....

+ I don't see the issue of teams trying to make a profit... Don't forget this means even more players are available.. More choice for managers... Last thing we want or need is a less active transfer window.

Bad idea in my opinion
eng Kezza
nl Balladeer >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 08:01
If you want to stop people from selling the transfer window they bought a player, the transfer system has to be changed as well. Because you need many bids on different players to win 1, it is too hard to plan ahead.
Forcing players to hold on to players they don't need anymore because they know too late that they'll win parallel running bids, or see a new player they like more than one bought before, will make it harder to buy players and negatively influence the transfer market...

For example a great defender is for sale and you bid on him. He goes to the 2nd round. In the mean time you see another defender you like, but not as much as the one in the 2nd round now. The great player might still take 72 hours to sell and you'll have to decide far earlier whether you want to bid on the weaker defender or not. Now you can do both and sell 1 if you accidentally win both, but if you can't sell 1 of them anymore, what to do?
nl Balladeer
eng Kezza >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 08:13
@Balladeer I agree

@The people who want the change..

I must admit it is incredibly frustrating when you bid on a great player (price is good).. and then someone else gets him and then a few minutes later he's back on the list for double the amount... very frustration and has happened to me! BUT.. I do want the flexibility of changing around my team during the window and re-jigging my finances if needed.. another example..

A great player comes on the list and the manager is asking for 2-3m.. I want him. Problem being I only have 3m in the bank and have already bought a few players during the window. Anyway I win the player with a 3m bid. I have guys I previously bought during the window who I was planning to develep... now because of this player and the fact I need to upgrade my stadium I need money quick.. I decide to sell some of the players I bought expecially the young player that has the same position as my superstar 3m player.

Whats wrong with that? :o)

To be honest I dont mind there being a limit on the profit you can make during the same window.. but really is this a massive problem?? We have a seller who gets the money they want and a buyer who buys a player for the price asked for... dont see a big deal.
eng Kezza
ua ... >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 08:33
I don't see a big problem either. Buying players on the market and then trying to sell them for twice the value in the same window won't always work.

Managers buying players for way too much money, that is the real problem. I often see players going for totally crazy amounts, while other, virtually equivalent players are sold really cheap. Some managers have already made many millions of bucks selling players much more expensively than their real value.

However, I think this is not a problem either. Other people are trying to exploit that, some succeed, some fail. It happens in real life as well.

Like Kezza, Ofer and Balladeer already explained, it takes away some of the flexibility to change your mind, while the uncertainty of getting a player or not remains.
ua ...
nl Danh >> Суббота Сентябрь 7 - 09:16
How About THE first seller get a percentage of THE profit a reseller makes when resselling a player in THE Same window.
This way noone gets hurt and THE profit of this loopjongen gets lowered and offcourse THE second resell schould share THE profit between THE 3 sellers.

It is just a tought
nl Danh