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الإنجليزية >> الأسئلة

loaning and loaning out players (2)

eng Bigbob >> الجمعة ماي 3 - 20:04, التعديل الجمعة ماي 3 - 20:05
I would like to know as a non vip player how many loans in/out can we have per season?
I have read the help section and can not find my answer!
I also read the vip section and that is why my question came about

level 1
Loan up to 4 of your players to other teams. This can be useful for youth players who are not yet strong enough for your own main squad.

then 6 @ level 2 and 10 @ level 3

Thanks in advance
eng Bigbob
pl Ace >> السبت ماي 4 - 15:49
You can loan out 2 players. I dont know about loaning in, but I suppose is the same or no limit. Let's wait for someone knowledgeable to verify.
pl Ace