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الإنجليزية >> اقتراحات

Man of the Match (3)

nl Abe Bodaan >> الخميس أوت 8 - 08:44
Is it possible to keep the MotM count of a player on the statistics page of the competition?

And maybe also on the players page?
nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora
ar Gabrielorco >> الخميس أوت 8 - 23:23
I think it's not possible...

This has been suggested lots of times. Once here:

Tiety answered:
"Player of the match is a this point not possible, that is calculated with the browser and all statistics need to be in the server before we can do something with it."
ar Gabrielorco
nl Abe Bodaan >> الجمعة أوت 9 - 06:49
Ah ok, i didnt know :-)
nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora