الدوري الخاص بألبانيا الموسم55

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Season 23! (3)

be Jeton R. Bardhi >> الأحد مارس 27 - 01:06
Dear colleagues of our league,
JRB Forces Albania has already decided the new goals of this season, which continue as below:

1) Becoming Champion of Albanian League Season 23
2) Winning the Cup of Albania season 23

For these goals, the manager has invested 21 million $ to 4 new qualitative players that are supposed to make the difference in the League! Moreover, investing will continue during the mid-transfermarket if it is judged as very important to be done, related to the how far/close the goals is the team!

Good luck to the all Albanian league teams! Wish for a very good and long-lasting rivalry!

Jeton R. Bardhi
JRB Forces Albania Manager
be Jeton R. Bardhi
it Dicklcheese >> الخميس مارس 31 - 19:06
that's mean so very low chance for the rest of us!

anyway i see some new team in the league?

hopefully those manager will be more active and let our league grow!
it Dicklcheese
ga Mandji Ebony Star
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> السبت أفريل 2 - 23:51
Dear Dicklcheese,

The start of this season is not good for me, so there is equal chance for all of us. I am glad that Gang Albanii Team has a well-motivated manager to develop his team and create a great group of players to increase the rivalry in our championship! For the other managers, i think they are just passer by-s. ;)
be Jeton R. Bardhi