الدوري الخاص بألبانيا الموسم78

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العودة للصفحة الرئيسية للمنتدى

Season 81 (2)

ee onuelver >> الخميس جويلية 4 - 06:22

From first match we got a point and have some chance to advance but nothing is guaranteed. Our team is far from Jernevs era because of weak keeper and defence plus aging key players. TW was not very successful as we got nothing we bidded. Soon we get YA2 ready and will get little bit better youngsters and we have money for some good transfers if they only come here.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> السبت جويلية 6 - 06:41

CL Q2 passed and 4 more matches waiting. Every additional point from these matches would be bonus. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back