الدوري الخاص بألبانيا الموسم9

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Season 53 (2)

ee onuelver >> الخميس جويلية 9 - 07:21

Previous season ended as i needed :D got duty free euro season. Against Red Star i would feel pressure that i must earn a point like on former meetings some seasons ago and would waste my money to players i really don't need (some expensive loans and oldies). Against Delft was no chance and so i can just develop my team as i want.

This season is another chance for other teams to get trophies. Sad that Partizani has little bit neglected already several seasons and is now older than classical old Permet fc. With these players he will be soon behind Tanamera and Shkoder #7.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> السبت أوت 8 - 15:54

After several fails to lose points i have to accept championship title again asit seem to me. Team is not yet ready for that responsibility.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back