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National Team Austria - Schorny edition! (49)

at Kosmo >> الأربعاء جوان 11 - 17:24
oh man, gerhard ist still not available in the shortlist ... what a joke
hes playmaker with 4,5 passing ....but obv playmaker doenst count for much in the shortlist......

at Kosmo
at schorny >> الأربعاء جوان 11 - 18:12
I'd take Gerhard any day over Bittinger: http://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-441432

Even though Gerhard has low Power, his passing is far superior to anything else on the shortlist.

I mean I got players like this on the shortlist: http://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-335592
Who the hell wants players like that?

But it will just be a matter of time until the better ones reach the shortlist.
It is funny how Gerhard has more market value but less Star Value than Denk and he is far better than Denk...
at schorny
at Kosmo >> الأربعاء جوان 11 - 22:08
jup, i mean i would also take gerhard over bittinger ^^
well i sold bittinger a couple of seasons ago xD
at Kosmo
at schorny >> الخميس جوان 12 - 15:16
Oh, he is a SCC scrub, that's why he sucks. I should have known...

at schorny