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Season 17 Blog (5)

cn 我的剑会笑 >> الجمعة ماي 22 - 09:41
I hope this for the current season:

1. Liverpool City
2. Strood City
3. The North London FC
4. Nilehorse United
5. Colne
6. Blackburn Magics.
cn 我的剑会笑
eng Cardiff City FC
jp Natsumi >> الأحد ماي 24 - 15:16
Lost at home to Newcastle united before wining away to Colne, with results like these, I not sure how I'd predict this new season..
jp Natsumi
eng Stephen >> السبت جوان 20 - 20:23
This is turning into another fun for my team. Long overdue some luck.
eng Stephen
إداري رئيسي
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> الجمعة جوان 26 - 21:29
Looks like it'll be a tight finish at the top. 6 points separating a whole load of teams!

The league has split up in a strange way this season. A clump of top teams, a bunch of middle teams and then the relegation scrap.
eng Stephen
إداري رئيسي
eng Seaburn Beach
my Kesvick >> الثلاثاء جوان 30 - 23:34
my Kesvick