الدوري الخاص بانكلترا الموسم69

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تحدث حول دوريك هنا ، من هو الأفضل للفوز بالدوري ؟، من سيصعد و من سينزل ، ماذا يقدم فريقك حتى الآن ؟ .

العودة للصفحة الرئيسية للمنتدى

Season 79 (77)

eng Stephen >> الأحد ماي 5 - 13:07

If that were me in that position, I'd be selling for any price possible just to get rid of the wages. And if I couldn't sell, I'd have to seriously consider the bank. Half a billion in wages is nuts. He's a club killer!

eng Stephen
إداري رئيسي
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> الأحد ماي 5 - 21:11

Agreed. He'll be very lucky to get a buyer so the smart move would be to sell him to the bank right away as he's losing over £9 million every day he's on the transfer list. 

I guess it's very painful to make that decision though.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets