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The new season is around the corner (7)

eng coldstar >> الجمعة أكتوبر 24 - 05:09
Can we guess who will take the direct promotion seat? and who will secure a play-off seat?

I guess Deeprijay Town will be the winner, a team who I have never win.
eng coldstar
jp Natsumi >> الجمعة أكتوبر 24 - 14:03
Deeprijay Town will start of as firm favorites to win the league, with a strong team in all areas of the pitch it was quite the surprise seeing them suffer relegation last season. There Opening match is at home against Natsumi's Army. The Army have been quietly rebuilding there team after several disappointing seasons, and this match should reflect both prospects in the most difficult league in the world, will the new boys bounce back and show off there dominance against a average Championship team, or will the away side showcase just how hard climbing back up to the EPL is for even the strongest of sides, we will find out Sunday
jp Natsumi
eng coldstar >> السبت أكتوبر 25 - 04:40
Dude, I am amazed that your entire defense line is 2 golden star or above with 2 triple golden star players.....

You will get a chance this season.
eng coldstar
za Mister Buckley >> السبت أكتوبر 25 - 11:14
Defence means nothing if you can't score yourself, anyways I'll be content with. Another top 5 finish... I don't plan to go up this season... Just putting it out their before I get labelled a title contender
za Mister Buckley
eng Cloughie >> السبت أكتوبر 25 - 16:27
Tthe Hoodies have bought poorly during the window with a mistake buy!
(Meant to bid on the player above the one that I did, due to being on mobile...ARRRRHHHH)

However the fans are still in good mood as the french striker bought to somehow replace the fans favourite, (Amjad Shearer), looks a great signing.

Chairman of Nottingham Forest (ROBIN HOODies) supporters club had this to say-

"We are delighted with the addition to the front line, however a large majority of the fans have voiced concerns over the £3mil+ signing of the 26yr old Karl Alexandersen. We see this as a very strange purchase, however we will follow Chloughie as we have faith"

[fans in the background chanting]
We love you Cloughie...We do
We love you cloughie...We do
We love you cloughie...We do
Ohhhhhh Chloughie we love you!
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Cloughie >> السبت أكتوبر 25 - 20:28
check this player created for500 credits
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng coldstar >> الأحد أكتوبر 26 - 06:30
As a specialist in set pieces, I am surprised that he did not got many goals in the past.

eng coldstar