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New Match Engine (4)

ie Dave >> الجمعة أكتوبر 24 - 21:40
Seeing as the engine is currently undergoing a massive new change thought we could talk about it.

Yet to play a test match myself but i must starting playing around with it soon to figure out what works.

Anyone have any thoughts on it.

Seems to be pros and cons for a few things
ie Dave
eng Gary H. >> الجمعة أكتوبر 24 - 21:51
from what I've read, it will certainly change many things atop the tree, depending on how it affects our prior strategies
eng Gary H.
ie Dave >> الثلاثاء أكتوبر 28 - 17:36
Is it this season they new injury thing is coming in?where you can only heal a player once rather then repeatedly till he is fit?

I've started rotating a lot more anyway just incase it is
ie Dave
eng Gary H. >> الأربعاء أكتوبر 29 - 10:14
next, it shows on the health center information to the right on the cover screen for it, mine states it'll go from 14% this season to 65% the next.. yipe
eng Gary H.