الدوري الخاص بنيجيريا الموسم23

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A new season!! A exciting season! (7)

cn 中国国家队 >> الأحد مارس 30 - 02:14
A new season!! A exciting season! Do you think so?
cn 中国国家队
ng Edoja >> السبت سبتمبر 6 - 21:28
this season is going to be hard for me, its like i am a little fish in a big ocean. so any kind of advise will help.
ng Edoja
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> السبت أكتوبر 11 - 05:56
build up in league 2 and come back because the league is very strong
ng 手术刀 >> السبت نوفمبر 1 - 11:12
Wellcome DON-X! Hope to win more matches!
ng 手术刀
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الثلاثاء ديسمر 2 - 13:56
This season have been exciting and my team have avoided so many suspension like my previous leagues and I now have the opportunity to remain with you guys and build my team fast with the stadium incomes...
I hope next season will be a better step up for me....
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الثلاثاء ديسمر 2 - 14:03
To my surprise I demolished the league favourite and cause a great blow of them sorry for it.. The permanent legend are now top with a very close point.. Well magic box I love your team keep your good work...

I aim for 15 points from possible 15 because I won all my 1st leg with them but I'm tempted playing my weaker defenders
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الثلاثاء ديسمر 9 - 12:01
Congrat scalpel for winning the league again