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season 22. lets get it on (286)

ng Sonic >> الأحد مارس 20 - 08:41
My injuries started as soon as i upgraded my tc to l8..and they are long term injuries too..one of my player will recover on d 30th of march
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Sonic >> الأحد مارس 20 - 08:42
Paired with galadima in d playoffs...time for my revenge
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الاثنين مارس 21 - 17:38
so you win 2-1 @sonic...
ng Sonic >> الاثنين مارس 21 - 19:14
Yea.i think i might b in league1 next season...*i dont want de don to be all alone* lol
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng tonero >> الاثنين مارس 21 - 20:28
Got a 5nil victory over Nottingham forest npl,looking to see off d second leg.
ng tonero
ng tonero >> الثلاثاء مارس 22 - 05:02
Defeated Nottingham 7nil today on to d nxt.
ng tonero
ng Sonic >> الثلاثاء مارس 22 - 06:26
@Tonero. i can't believe u bought two players for 8mil a 29yr old and a 28yr old
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الثلاثاء مارس 22 - 12:26
8m wasted, should hv been used wisely.....
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الثلاثاء مارس 22 - 12:31
TC 7 would hv been ideal but I can see u want to trash everyone in here...
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الثلاثاء مارس 22 - 12:36
hahaha someone is afraid of been flogged because he was hoping to archive a promotion this season... Tonero you must be wicked ooo hahaha
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> الأربعاء مارس 23 - 06:09
in the african league Q1, tough opponent awaits me no
ng Sonic >> الأربعاء مارس 23 - 09:00
Woah! congrats bro.i hope u win and increase our coeficient..the ivorians have overtaken us..that team strong o
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng tonero >> الأربعاء مارس 23 - 20:15
@sonic i paid 4 does players for survival in case i get promotion.i would not want to qualify and den cum bck.
ng tonero
ng tonero >> الأربعاء مارس 23 - 20:19
I still hav d whole of nxt season to build my team,if i don't get promoted i know i will have a good team nxt season.and i was angry Nigeria lost i feel we hav d best team in Africa,we should b winning this tins.
ng tonero
ng Sonic >> الأربعاء مارس 23 - 20:27
Yea it's so sad we even got to d world cup finals
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc