الدوري الخاص بالفيليبين الموسم77

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what the fuck match! (7)

ph 保级队求轻虐 >> الجمعة جوان 12 - 03:43
I even don't know why I lose in the national cup,and the match is hold in my home!
ph 保级队求轻虐
ua Garfman >> الجمعة جوان 12 - 11:54
That was a crazy match :-( 3 shots and 3 goals for your opponent.....you were very unlucky :-( Welcome to my world.
ua Garfman
رئيس مدراء المجتمع
ph Garfman FC
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> الجمعة جوان 12 - 12:31
So upset about that match!Still lot work to do to improve my team...T_T
ph 保级队求轻虐
in Teja >> الجمعة جوان 12 - 17:46
That's the first time I won on pure luck :P
in Teja
ua Garfman >> الاثنين جوان 15 - 08:11
I hope that doesn't happen again against me ;-)
ua Garfman
رئيس مدراء المجتمع
ph Garfman FC
ph Sliv >> الثلاثاء جوان 23 - 05:53
Ha, I made the semi-finals... not too bad.
My youth team does well too, that makes me quite satisfied overall...
Greetings all!
ph Sliv
ua Garfman >> الثلاثاء جوان 23 - 08:24
Kudos on the play of your youth team....you actually had me fearing for a loss after taking a 1-0 lead in the Youth Cup final. It just shows that the future is bright for Paranaque FC :-)
ua Garfman
رئيس مدراء المجتمع
ph Garfman FC