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Season 2 Cup Final (6)

sco Aj >> الأربعاء أفريل 17 - 11:19
The scottish cup final will be between Glasgow Citizens Vs MegaChampions FC on 21/04.
sco Aj
sco Scotland1983 >> الأحد أفريل 21 - 03:25
i am deeply excited about this this is history for our country here the winner this year will be the first winner of this great cup ever good luck JoniGranite may the best team on the day win:)
sco Scotland1983
sco JoniGranate >> الجمعة أفريل 26 - 00:46
You had a easy victory against my team... You are, just for now (:P) the best team in the country. But in few seasons, maybe, a bunch of teams will be playing face to face with you.

Congratulations, mate, even when I say it late :P
sco JoniGranate
sco Scotland1983 >> الجمعة أفريل 26 - 04:12
hmm your team is impressive for a first season one still:) i know i will have to work hard to keep it but i will try to long term and if someone loses to me in a cup final and i win the league they will still according to help section qualify for champions league too i want all of scotland to improve and second division had some rising teams too which excite me i want to be testes and scotland to have many strong teams in europe after all:) thanks yous team did well too:)
sco Scotland1983
sco Aj >> السبت أفريل 27 - 09:56
Congratulations, First scottish double winner.
sco Aj
sco Scotland1983 >> السبت أفريل 27 - 19:01
thank you i will enjoy it while i can:D
sco Scotland1983