الدوري الخاص بأوكرانيا الموسم23

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تحدث حول دوريك هنا ، من هو الأفضل للفوز بالدوري ؟، من سيصعد و من سينزل ، ماذا يقدم فريقك حتى الآن ؟ .

العودة للصفحة الرئيسية للمنتدى

Сборная Украины. План завоевания мира. (708)

ee onuelver >> الثلاثاء جانفي 15 - 15:39

Well my period here is over. Hopefully i attract again some strong manager continuing after me as it was with Albania and Sint Maarten (ok they did no miracles. I'll candidate for Albania again and let's see where i land for next period. 

Couple of matches would go better and we would have chance to playoffs. At least we didn't let Russia to qualify tongue-out

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ua paspartu >> الأربعاء مارس 13 - 13:02
Thank you for the great job!
ua paspartu
ua MFC Nikolaev
hu David >> الاثنين نوفمبر 30 - 17:43

Please get a look on your ukrainian players. The team is in lack of youngsters.
Currently we are doing well, unfortunately we will miss for the next games the first GK...

hu David
hu FK Sopron