الدوري الخاص بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الموسم29 [2]

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تحدث حول دوريك هنا ، من هو الأفضل للفوز بالدوري ؟، من سيصعد و من سينزل ، ماذا يقدم فريقك حتى الآن ؟ .

العودة للصفحة الرئيسية للمنتدى

Season 35 (3)

us Muerte >> الأحد ديسمر 10 - 18:05, التعديل الأحد ديسمر 10 - 18:07

I am gonna try and make a more concerted effort to buy tickets to all of the League 2 matches this season.  If you will, please return the favor.  

Thanks in advance and good luck this season =)

I know my team really struggled with surviving and remaining in League 2 last season...hopefully this season is better

us Muerte
us Peter >> الأحد ديسمر 10 - 20:05, التعديل الخميس ديسمر 14 - 20:25

I will certainly do so!

It feels great to be back. I have $340 million in the bank from profits.

However, I see that Danny has sold his supertalent for over 500 million. Congratulations to him, that must be nice.

edit: I failed to notice that it wasn’t Danny, it was someone with a very similar name to Danny’s team.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us Muerte >> الاثنين ديسمر 25 - 13:22


holy crap...wish i had even a portion of that much in the bank...hahah

us Muerte