Лига на Австрия Сезон 82

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Season 31 (2)

ee Balthazor >> Четвъртък Май 25 - 19:06
My last step on starters bonus period is stadium upgrade. Uprading of big and expensive ones is over for some time.
Players are still quite far from other teams' quality, so I just take the season how it comes. Maybe it's another lucky one. When it turns to relegation, I'll sell some older players and play League 2 with young squad without loans. It will happen sooner or later anyway.
ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> Вторник Юни 27 - 17:10
Surprisingly safe 3 rounds before finish...
ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn