Лига на Бразилия Сезон 66

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Season 26 / Temporada 26 (40)

br Ademir >> Петък Септември 30 - 20:02
Legal, DeivBarros, bem-vindo ao campeonato, você sabe que se o Uberlândia não for o campeão da Copa (o que é bem provável tendo em vista os adversários), a vaga para a liga sul-americana da Copa vai para o campeonato e o oitavo colocado também se classifica.
br Ademir
br DeivBarros >> Събота Октомври 1 - 08:38
Opa verdade, tinha esquecido desse detalhe, que venha a 8° vaga e que eu consiga ela haha :P
br DeivBarros
br DeivBarros >> Събота Октомври 1 - 12:19
3x2 no Líder.. que Jogão ! Desculpa.. ajudar a tira-lo da liderança
br DeivBarros
br Ademir >> Събота Октомври 1 - 23:47
O problema é que quando você ganha do líder ele sai da liderança, segunda eu que enfrento o líder
br Ademir
br DeivBarros >> Неделя Октомври 2 - 03:19
Haha.. a missão é sua agora ! Tá contigo hehe
br DeivBarros
lv 薯片 >> Вторник Октомври 4 - 18:34
Going to the finals of Cup, but lost in SA League.
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> Сряда Октомври 5 - 16:03
Congratulations and good luck LeBrunns, Kraken Leg is still alive in Leaguel, SAL and Cup, i think that he is getting a level above of the others teams.
br Ademir
br DeivBarros >> Четвъртък Октомври 6 - 06:32
Good job! @LeBrunns
br DeivBarros
lv 薯片 >> Четвъртък Октомври 6 - 13:01
Thanks guys!
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> Четвъртък Октомври 6 - 20:25
Deiv, i think it is now possible that you get the 8th place.
br Ademir
br DeivBarros >> Петък Октомври 7 - 08:22
I'll get! :P
br DeivBarros
lv 薯片 >> Петък Октомври 7 - 10:00
@DeivBarros it would be shame if you dont get it, because now you have good players, and it might be enough for 8th place.
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> Петък Октомври 7 - 20:19, Подновена Петък Октомври 7 - 20:23
I don't think that it would be a shame, He got the team with a distance to 8th larger than 10 points, and Gigante took some players with him;

Now, it is the first time that I believe in Alpachiri as the league champion.
br Ademir
lv 薯片 >> Петък Октомври 7 - 20:41, Подновена Петък Октомври 7 - 20:43
It took me whole season to understand what is the power in that team... and I still don't get it... OK, he made a lot of improvements to his squad, but before that the squad was just decent, but managed to kick everyone's a*s!

But his team is like - all or nothing now. Either he gets the title and continue on rebuilding team overall, either lose everything, because, gotta be honest, his players are very old, in a few seasons they will be garbage (unless miracles happens in transfer windows). Maybe I'm wrong about something, maybe he has some tricks in his mind, but that is how I see things from side..

Edit : Even though, it doesn't change fact, that he deserves League Champion title, but I would like to see what is the future plan for him, and I will keep attention how dexter manages his team..
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
br Ademir >> Петък Октомври 7 - 21:05, Подновена Петък Октомври 7 - 21:06
I think that the physical abilities of his players give them a lower star value, but i'm thinking now that physical abilities are not so important, like Gabriel Omar Batistuta, my opponent in SAL QF, he has lots of players with speed and strenght lower than 4 and it is doing great in SAL and fighting for the championship in League of Paraguay.

He has the merit of buying good older players when he saw a opportunity of winning the championship, doing the standard procedures, buying newer players and improving buildings he would wait for a few seasons before that he gets a chance of victory.
br Ademir