Лига на Косово Сезон 54

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Season 32 (69)

eng Samuel >> Понеделник Август 21 - 11:58

Congrats to KF Nisecve on the league 1 title.

Gotham will have a stronger team next season and will be looking for the title.

Finished second in both England league 1 and Kosovo league 1.

eng Samuel
hk RayquazaXD >> Понеделник Август 21 - 14:07

And yes, KF Nisevce win the league. Congratulations!

Very good season Samuel. I'm sure that your team can win titles in the future. (You can win the Supercup of this season, as this season we don't have Cup, is the Champions of the League vs the segond team in League).

I close the league with an 8-0 against 123456, waiting to the Mitrovica vs Kosovo Polje to see if I win the third or the fourth place.

hk RayquazaXD
zm Mwanwa >> Понеделник Август 21 - 14:45

thank you the friends it was a very undecided championship and we succeeded took away this first title it's going to need confirmed the next season and seen your talents that's going to be difficult wink

zm Mwanwa
pal Giovanni >> Понеделник Август 21 - 17:35

Well done KF Niševce for title!!!

I lost my game and waiting play off for 3 ligue! I lost by autogol of my player!!!

pal Giovanni
in Keju >> Петък Август 25 - 04:40

Congrats KF nisevce

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
zm Mwanwa >> Петък Август 25 - 15:49

@Zemo @Keju27 , thank you , guys laughing

zm Mwanwa
pal Giovanni >> Събота Август 26 - 07:43

Why in Champion Ligue and Europa ligue no clubs from Kosovo????

pal Giovanni
in Keju >> Събота Август 26 - 08:40, Подновена Събота Август 26 - 08:56

We need to improve our leagues ranking in Europe not sure how though



in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
hk RayquazaXD >> Събота Август 26 - 09:05

@Zemo, that is because in the first season of a country you can't qualify to the Champions/Europe League, because we don't have the Cup. In this new season, the champions of the league will go to Champions, the second to Europe League and the champions of the Cup or the third of the League (if the Cup champions is First/Second on League) will go to Europe League to.

hk RayquazaXD