Forum : Engleski rss-feed

Ovo je forum za Engleski jezik. Ako želite nešto objaviti ovdje, služite se samo ovim jezikom. Odgovori i teme na drugim jezicima će biti obrisani bez obavještenja. Probleme koje uočite na igrici objavite na "bug" forumu, a za ostale teme provjerite je pravi forum za njih.

Engleski >> Takmičenja

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cn 笔架山 >> utorak oktobar 8 - 23:10
Just wondering if it would be possible to create a British league.I am in Chinese league 2 and am the only managed team,the rest are bot teams.Don't know how or if it would work but take top 2 teams from China,,the big problem would be where the relegated teams would end up.If it can't be created ,how about a British Cup.
cn 笔架山