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Engleski >> Generalna diskusija

Level 10 youths (4713)

eng Stephen >> Četvrtak april 2 - 09:58

Probably a defender. I tend to put ‘no attribute’ players in that position. Unless you’re planning on all local policy of players just from your YC, you’ll soon find better. YC11 players and even YC12 players are pretty cheap now (relatively speaking of course!)

eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> Četvrtak april 2 - 10:42

Yeah, I agree. With so many people building YA 1 and YA 2 there are usually plenty of those players on the market and with better players available prices are generally coming down.  

For the same reason I'm in no rush to upgrade my own youth facilities. I will at some point, but for now I can usually buy better youngsters than I can produce myself.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joddit >> Četvrtak april 2 - 11:39, Promjenjeno Četvrtak april 2 - 11:42

@ Numpty and Stephen:

Like always, opinions and suggestions are greatly appreciated, so thank you for chiming in.

To answer the question as to why a GK, realistically, he can only get to his matches this season, by either being a GK or maybe a defender, if I'm willing to shuffle people around a bit. This chap seems more fitting to be a GK than a defender (speed over power)

Decent young GKs especially are a pain to find on the transfer market and are usually paid over market value for. And yes I'm kind of, sort of building a team of youth products, although I'm not quite sure whether I have fully commited to it yet. 

Edit: But I will seriously consider your suggestions, because as anyone here will know, I'm not always right!! ;)

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC

Buy if his a defender he can still seat like a statue in-between the stick and his value will still increase for profit. 

nl Joddit >> Četvrtak april 2 - 14:25, Promjenjeno Četvrtak april 2 - 14:31

Wait a minute. I have a spot for a striker as well. Would that be a better option for the bloke?

How could I have forgotten about that?!

Edit: I didn't expect to be proving that I am not always right this quickly... 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
il Numpty >> Četvrtak april 2 - 14:40

It's a good point about getting them all 20 matches for xp, and you need a balanced squad to be able to do that, especially with the U21 matches.  Although you can be inventive with how the positions are used.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joddit >> Četvrtak april 2 - 14:59

Well, in all honesty, the point you and Stephen made about the expected value of GKs versus other players (defenders in particular) was a fair one.

I've look back upon two of my youth players from the past:


for instance show a clear difference in market value under reasonably similar circumstances (not perfectly similar, but close enough).

You're right about being inventive with players in terms of getting them to 20 matches. I might go for a striker now, since I forgot I really needed one...

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
eng Stephen >> Četvrtak april 2 - 15:41

In U21 matches it’s better to play a player out of position and get the XP than it is to worry about their positional experience levels. Of course, it’d always be ideal to get in 20 games in the right position, but that isn’t always possible.

eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach
nl Joddit >> Četvrtak april 2 - 16:09

I agree @ Stephen

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
fr theo >> utorak april 7 - 07:26

fr theo
fr INF clairefontaine
nl Joddit >> utorak april 7 - 09:20


Seems to be a bit old to me. Since he doesn't have any specials most here would make him a defender.

I probably only would if I needed one... I would make him whatever I needed him to be...

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
fr theo >> utorak april 7 - 10:40

@joddit-he will just make matches then sold to the bank

fr theo
fr INF clairefontaine
fr theo >> Četvrtak april 9 - 17:54

here is my youngest in France, what position would be best for him and what attribute gave him?
thank you.

fr theo
fr INF clairefontaine
il Numpty >> Četvrtak april 9 - 19:25


If you're just selling them to the bank then it doesn't make too much difference what position you choose. Any outfield position will do, so pick whatever's convenient for you.  

If you were keeping him I would probably make him a forward because of his speed. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
fr theo >> petak april 10 - 08:07

@ Numpty-thanks to you for your advice, what can I put to it as an attribute for an attacker?

fr theo
fr INF clairefontaine