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Engleski >> Generalna diskusija

YA level 3 kids (578)

nl Joddit >> Četvrtak novembar 14 - 22:50


Not bad! 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
pt João Pedro Ferreira >> subota novembar 16 - 14:10

First one from YC3.

pt João Pedro Ferreira
pt SC Braga
uy Awful >> subota novembar 16 - 21:20

 nice age and special ! congrats

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
ca Jax >> utorak novembar 19 - 14:11 

ca Jax
uy Awful >> utorak novembar 19 - 15:22, Promjenjeno utorak novembar 19 - 15:23

very nice Jax ! Give him all games you can ! Good luck !


i think he could be a great versatile SS or long shooter AM

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
nl Joddit >> srijeda novembar 20 - 16:53, Promjenjeno srijeda novembar 20 - 16:54

Why would you make a team player, who is less likely to shoot at goal, a long shots specialist like an AM or SS? That seems counter productive. 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
eng Stephen >> srijeda novembar 20 - 16:55


eng Stephen
Glavni administrator
eng Seaburn Beach
ee Taavi >> srijeda novembar 20 - 17:28

We dont know how much "less likely" is

ee Taavi
Admin zajednice
ee FC Pusa
il Numpty >> srijeda novembar 20 - 17:39, Promjenjeno srijeda novembar 20 - 18:10

I think an AM is definitely the preferred position as it makes the best use of both specials.  

Team is obviously best as a midfielder.

Determined should be used for an attacking player because when you go behind you want the attackers to play better and hopefully score a goal. Boosting the defence isn't such a good idea if you are already behind. 

Putting both together then AM is the obvious choice.   

Edit - regarding Joddit's point, if the player's main objective is to provide assists rather than to score goals then preferring the pass rather than the longshot is likely to be a good thing. However, it doesn't say his shooting will be any worse, just less frequent, so I would probably still him Longshots and he should also weigh in with a few extra goals. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joddit >> srijeda novembar 20 - 18:20

@Taavi: I agree that we don't know (or at least I don't know) how much less likely long shots become, but that is basically just asking HOW counterproductive it really is. 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
nl Joddit >> srijeda novembar 20 - 18:25


I respectfully disagree with your assessment in that I would make him into a passing midfielder rather than a shooting one, since when behind he would be more likely to give a good assist on one of your forwards, who then isn't obstructed by his likelihood to actually pull the trigger.

Maybe I'm daft, but that seems to be a far better fit to me. 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
il Numpty >> srijeda novembar 20 - 18:41, Promjenjeno srijeda novembar 20 - 19:04

I'm more inclined to think we agree @Joddit. :) (Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.)

A passing midfielder whose main purpose is to give assists rather than one who tries to score. He could play either as RM/LM or RAM/LAM/AM depending on the match and the situation. 

Whether or not to give him Longshots is not so important, but I don't think  it can do him any harm.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joddit >> srijeda novembar 20 - 22:25, Promjenjeno srijeda novembar 20 - 22:26

Oh, I will be signing up for a reading course shortly. :) 

I've got quite a severe headache today, so that may affect my ability or willingness to take the time and effort to read comments properly. I apologise.

With regard to your last statement: the harm could of course be the wasted training time, but other than that it probably won't do extra harm, or at least not that I can tell. 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
tr furkan >> srijeda novembar 20 - 23:43

tr furkan
lv FC Palestine