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Anglais >> Questions

Transfer language and country (4)

ch Robänkler >> vendredi août 23 - 13:19


I find it strange, that a german club, bidding for an italian player, country and language are considered ok, while for me as a swiss club, a country where in parts italian is spoken, the language and the country are considered not ok.

I don't mean to complain, I'm just wondering why.

Best regards

ch Robänkler
ch Borussia Robank
il Numpty >> vendredi août 23 - 15:25, Modifié vendredi août 23 - 15:26

The country that your club plays in does not matter. It's all about the players that you have in your squad. 


  • This team has at least 2 players from the same country. This makes it more likely that the player will choose this team.


  • This team has at least 4 players with the same first language. This makes it more likely that the player will choose this team.


  • This team has at least 5 people with less than a year age difference with this player.
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
fi Tosumovic >> vendredi septembre 27 - 09:35

Its possible that  the value is shown in euros instead of macedonian denars?

fi Tosumovic
mk Rabotnicki
il Numpty >> vendredi septembre 27 - 09:54

By default you use the currency and timezone of the country your team is playing in. 

You can only change this with VIP.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets