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Engleski >> Generalna diskusija

After building Stadium 11 (2)

ru Ebitimi >> nedjelja juni 16 - 07:39

Hey guys, how many seasons will it take to recover your cost of building Stadium 11 and how much long for you to break even ?

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
il Numpty >> nedjelja juni 16 - 09:43, Promjenjeno nedjelja juni 16 - 10:23

Depends on loads of different factors, such as match attendance, staff, bank interest and the opportunity cost of building something else instead.  

I would say at best you might recover your costs in around 5 seasons, although that would be quite rare. Worst case is never.  As a rough estimate it probably took me around 8-10 seasons.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets