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Английский >> Вопросы

Friendly reset (13)

rs John James Giba >> Пятница Июль 6 - 14:44

Sorry guys, i know there is a bug, anyway is possible to know when the friendlies count will be reset ?

rs John James Giba
eng holt >> Суббота Июль 7 - 17:52

Like I said,strike while the iron is hot.

eng holt
eng Stephen >> Суббота Июль 7 - 17:58

Presumably when you enter a friendly cup. If you don't, it'll be at the end of season 39.

Alternatively, you can 'strike while the iron is hot'. Although you'll need to work out what that means first.

eng Stephen
Главный администратор
eng Seaburn Beach
eng holt >> Суббота Июль 7 - 18:10

Play as many matches as possible.

eng holt
rs John James Giba >> Среда Июль 11 - 12:56

I entered in a friendly cup but they do.not reset.

I do.not understand yet if there is a bug or not

rs John James Giba
rs John James Giba >> Понедельник Февраль 4 - 18:25

Actually i do not understand how works the reset of friendlies count. For sure the count do not restart at the beginning of a season.

rs John James Giba
il Numpty >> Вторник Февраль 5 - 12:20, Отредактирован Вторник Февраль 5 - 17:37

It resets after the last league match of the season, during the play-offs. Somewhere around day 48-49.

Edit - see below.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Namejs >> Вторник Февраль 5 - 13:25

Friendly count resets after last round of shortest league (16 or 12 team leagues).

lv Namejs
nl Koen >> Вторник Февраль 5 - 17:06

It's on day 45 of the season. To be clear: Matches planned on day 44 or before count towards the old season (planned, not played. So if you plan a match on day 44 to be played on day 46, it's counts as before the reset!), day 45 and after is the new batch.

nl Koen
il Numpty >> Вторник Февраль 5 - 17:36, Отредактирован Вторник Февраль 5 - 17:38

Thanks Koen. I checked my fixture history and agree with your more accurate description of the exact day, so please ignore my earlier post.  

Last season I played friendlies on both day 44 and day 45. The friendly reset occured on day 45 and my last league game was on day 46. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
rs John James Giba >> Вторник Февраль 5 - 20:16

sorry guys, but from the season where friendlies cups were introduced i saw a change. I know it was day 45 before, but now something is changed.

If i start a normal friendly now i have 0 games to get xp on all players, except the players i have bought in this season, but for the games of my next friendly cup the count re start and i can get xp again.

So i do not understand what is the rule about that.

rs John James Giba
lv Namejs >> Вторник Февраль 5 - 20:32

For some strange reasons Friendly cup games count as new season friendlies.

lv Namejs
il Numpty >> Четверг Ноябрь 28 - 10:51

Bumping this as I keep forgetting which day the friendlies reset. See Koen's post.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets