Liga Austrija sezona 8

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Season 69 (6)

ee Balthazor >> subota oktobar 22 - 19:12

Things are not starting well: already 2 losses in league and before euro matches 2 key players injured, their healing pulled team to red financially. Upcoming home matches should improve balance but it shouldn't be so stretched. Just average European team with not highest facilities and not top class wages- so reached to wall of my financial competence?

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> subota oktobar 29 - 07:40

At least reached to EL groups with this shaky form. At least 1.5 stars difference with every other team doesn't let dream about next rounds, but trying to collect some points. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> srijeda novembar 2 - 17:42

So...13th round and first win against top half club on this season :D nothing strange in sitting on 6th place with such record. At least all players are healthy, but there is a league match before euro match. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> nedjelja novembar 6 - 07:03

Well, Mambo FC was stronger and denied all our attempts and we had our best defender suspended. So no advancing probably again, but we try some more points. Theoretically: should we win both remaining matches and Mambo doing the same...but it's too much wanted from our this season's poor form.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> srijeda novembar 9 - 19:09

Now I'm getting angry at my team: how can it turn with just one season to complete crap? They're not so terribly old(ok, Rebongo is 32 and lost his #1 mid position plus some star value but passing and scoring rate is still on previous seasons road). Keeper has lot of clean sheets for my playing style. Only forwards have scored some less and they are too packed by age. 

Giving away 3-2 lead is not good. At least 2 matches gave us chances for more euro points, which were wasted. Some changes are needed, but quite short of money, probably forced to sell some first team players to get younger talents. Smells like constant 6th places for some seasons.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> subota novembar 26 - 06:38

Somehow qualified to Europe once more. Probably must sell someone to get money for any new players. My wages look ridiculously small comparing to Barcelona, but still in danger to fall into red soon and I don't have even YA2. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn