Liga Indija sezona 69

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How's The Start Of S/11 Friends...?????? (2)

in Ps >> ponedjeljak juli 14 - 17:36
My Team started our campaign with a gd win....wb urs??

nd finally get a player i wanted...
in Ps
in viktor >> Četvrtak juli 31 - 23:09, Promjenjeno Četvrtak juli 31 - 23:19
If I have not said so 11 times already, I m impressed by what Jowill FC has managed so far. Just 6 goals conceded......Early days, 2/3rd season remaining but way to go ....
and Fc RedDEVIL.....
And special props to Superkings - they gave us more country coefficient points than a certain Bombay FC did the previous season .....
in viktor
in Air FC