Liga Sveti Vincent i Grenadini sezona 58

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Transfer requests, Youth Centre, Finance (3)

hu Ádi >> srijeda oktobar 2 - 10:34
Hey! I opened the topic for this so that you know which players need to talk to everyone. You can talk about the education of young people. And that the position of the club.
hu Ádi
hu Ádi >> srijeda oktobar 2 - 11:03
Very important: youth academy. Must be at least two teams who are third academy level, because only then can arrange matches. The question of who would build more youth academy? I will raise, but should anyone else.
hu Ádi
hu Ádi >> Četvrtak oktobar 3 - 07:39
Today we will be ready for the first Level Youth Centre. Someone even built?
hu Ádi