Fórum: Angličtina rss-feed

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Angličtina >> Otázky

The Exchange Rate Thread (19)

il Numpty >> Úterý duben 13 - 18:38

@ Holt

I'm going to add each currency to the table in my first post when I have hard evidence of the exchange rate. So for now most of them are missing.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
uy Maxpoint >> Úterý duben 13 - 19:09

Sound great Numpty, I will trust you in that and in between and with a transfer window running at the moment I keep thinking that although not exactly accurate (disclaimer) my first post its usable as reference to communicate with other users because there shouldn't be big differences with the accurate exchange rate.

uy Maxpoint
tr Mavi >> středa duben 14 - 10:21

I can confirm Maxpoint's numbers are true in Turkish liras.

tr Mavi
ng Phantom >> středa Říjen 12 - 10:58, Editováno Čtvrtek Říjen 13 - 15:12

Tajikstan: Somoni

 ¥461 943 993 68.9 days ¥1 416 713 10 23 8% ¥6 250 000 000

Currency Exchange Rate:

100RSD = Tajik¥625

1RSD = 625/100 = Tajik¥6.25

ng Phantom
tj Al Ahly SC⭐