Liga země Bosna a Hercegovina sezóna 40

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National team (2)

lv Jeikop >> Úterý prosinec 12 - 20:23, Editováno Úterý prosinec 12 - 20:25

Hi everyone. Thanks for give me chance be manager of Bosnia national team. 

Can pls help me with some questions. I need your opinions. 

1) Bosnia must get in World Cup final stage? (I think YES) 

2) Give more chance play young ST or better in future players. (YES but after we win game) 

3) Used all 3 substitutions in all games in qualification or play for win and used substitutions only if we win or win 2 goals (solution depend from me).

4) All substitutions used in friendly games and give chance for play all players or focus more on players who can be known and in future best for national (My opinions is focus in future) 

5) Your comments... 

IF you want you can write personal letter for me. 

lv Jeikop
nl ⭐ PSV Eindhoven ⭐
ee EIZ >> středa prosinec 13 - 20:53

1) Do your best, but yes :D
2) Agreed
3) Play for the result, but if you are up by two goals f.e. give others some experience atleast.
4) Focus for future definetly.

All in all, do your best. I like the idea of developing players who could be really useful in the future and easily friendly games can be sacrificed that way. I also like that you are interested about others opinions and hope more managers respond/give ideas to you. Good luck!

ee EIZ