Liga země Kanada sezóna 35

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NT - congratulations for the winner of North American Championships (5)

tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸 >> Úterý Únor 3 - 14:08
Alex just led us get the title of North American Championships.

It is never easy to get awards in the international game, what an amazing performance!!!

Especially in the semi final facing Anguilla, the result decided by PK. We won in the last with the god dispatch - a penalty stopper GK with a wonderful save let us laugh in the end.

tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
ca Alex Seymour >> Úterý Únor 3 - 19:50, Editováno Čtvrtek Únor 5 - 03:09
Thanks Magicholan,

We have a great Canadian team now and whoever gets the manager job will inherit an amazing team. Only a handful of the players in the current team come from home grown clubs though (thank you Mississauga United for developing the most).

We all need to start developing Canadian youth players through our academies. No excuses lads. Set all youths to Canada in the youth center and lets win a World Cup!
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
cl brainbot >> středa Únor 11 - 02:45
cl brainbot
br lujandecuyo >> Čtvrtek Únor 12 - 13:26
Congratulations, change the GK was a great move, too happy for my player who was champion! hopefully continue the successes
br lujandecuyo
ca Tristeza Nao Tem Fim
ca Jax >> Čtvrtek Únor 12 - 22:47
Excellent job.
ca Jax