Liga země Dánsko sezóna 39

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Unge talenter - Young talents (11)

dk Rene >> pondělí Únor 13 - 14:01
DK: Her kan vi vise vores nye talenter.. fremtidens stjerner.

ENG: Here we can show off our new talents.. The future starts of the game.
dk Rene
Admin komunity
dk Ønslev FC
dk Rene >> pátek březen 17 - 13:06
It is a long time ago since I got a good talent last:

Oliver Foldager - talent 5,15

Perhaps he will be a star for me in the future. we will see.
dk Rene
Admin komunity
dk Ønslev FC
dk Rene >> Čtvrtek březen 23 - 12:47
Dagens talent:

Dick. 15 årig målmand : talent 4,75
dk Rene
Admin komunity
dk Ønslev FC
dk Rene >> Úterý listopad 6 - 07:56

I finally got at talent worth talking about.

14 YO. Talent 5,9 and hard working specialty. 

dk Rene
Admin komunity
dk Ønslev FC
pl MAT >> Úterý listopad 6 - 10:39

Nice :)

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Kaiser Franz >> neděle listopad 11 - 16:32

Wow... that is nice!

Sorry he is not danish ;-)

dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
dk Rene >> středa listopad 14 - 15:51

Yea me to. I got to supertalents in a row. Both over 5 in talent. But One from Swenden and one from England 

dk Rene
Admin komunity
dk Ønslev FC
dk Rene >> pátek listopad 30 - 18:44

My top talent player Tin Tin will be put up for sale. In the beginning of next week..  her your money Ready..  :-)

dk Rene
Admin komunity
dk Ønslev FC
pl MAT >> sobota prosinec 1 - 09:28 - I think now sell or not - this open windows.

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Rene >> sobota prosinec 1 - 18:57

That is difficuelt One.. 

I really do not know.

 Tin Tin:

dk Rene
Admin komunity
dk Ønslev FC
dk Kaiser Franz >> pondělí prosinec 3 - 12:49

His name will make you a fortune in t-shirt sales :-)

I think he'll make a good striker in the league (not top but close). Don't think he will make it to the NT...

NB. Have you ever made the future value calculations? 

I think some have even made a tool (some kind of add-on?), that can calculate the future value?

dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards