Liga země Anglie sezóna 68 [2]

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Match day 12 (20)

jp Natsumi >> neděle listopad 9 - 13:43
Natsumi's Army Lost 1-0 at home to Apocalypse CIty, and the pop princess was absolutely livid after the match, emotional and furious she laid into her opponents tactics

'Pathetic, we here to play football not rugby they should ashamed of themselves lining up and playing like that, the better team lost today, Garbage it was cheap and nasty, I actually feel sick. What a complete fluke, we were caught napping one of the only times they actually attacked us, i'm sorry but this match was a joke'

Following the match she refused to shake oppression manager Dale Slater's hand and her comments might not of been a major surprise shes always been a emotional young lady since joining the club 7 seasons ago, but in light of her recent comments the FA may look to punish the fiery Japanese princess for her post match comments.
jp Natsumi
eng Dale Slater >> neděle listopad 9 - 14:26
Haha it was only 5-4-1 tactics, and you've forgot to mention the yellow cards and the straight red your number 7 should of got lol. But to be fair you do have better team, so you'll finnish above me easily.
eng Dale Slater
eng South Shields FC
za Mister Buckley >> neděle listopad 9 - 16:28
God I'm having a crap season never thought throwing a young squad in the deep end would yield such performances. But with the transfer window approaching I'm sure to strengthen my defence and attacking options
za Mister Buckley
eng Dale Slater >> neděle listopad 9 - 17:26
I admire your guts playing such a young squad Mr Buckley, your team will be a real force when they mature.
eng Dale Slater
eng South Shields FC
eng Cloughie >> neděle listopad 9 - 17:30
The fierce rivalry of Bollington allstars and Robbing Hoodies went head tp head in what was dubbed as the biggest game of the season.......

eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
jp Natsumi >> neděle listopad 9 - 21:20
(( *cuddles* Dale Slater just so you know its just roleplaying I don't hold any ill feelings, my character Natsumi is a very emotional girl and over reacted to that result.. but I actually Natsumi :) love confusing people.. I don't take it personally and wanna say congrats on your win, how my team with all its 7 star players aren't first baffles me but i guess i'm just a bad manageress ))
jp Natsumi
eng Dale Slater >> pondělí listopad 10 - 04:17
I understand now natsumi lol. I think you a great manager and your team is top draw, I'm not sure how I got the points either!?. Must be one of those freak rocking results that happen from time to time?.
eng Dale Slater
eng South Shields FC
jp Natsumi >> pondělí listopad 10 - 13:05
Thanks Dale.. its to bad I've got the weakest under 21 team in the entire league though
jp Natsumi
za Mister Buckley >> pondělí listopad 10 - 18:50
Well Dale to be honest my team should Peak next season... And that's when I'm planning to push for league one,then my average star value will be two gold stars .... Can't wait thou
za Mister Buckley
eng Dragontao >> Úterý listopad 11 - 01:43
I would definitely advise having a strong team for the assault on Div 1. I can't even get any luck. 8 straight defeats now :-(
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
jp Natsumi >> Úterý listopad 11 - 11:33
I just lost again against a much weaker team, I don't think i'm gonna bother with this game anymore.. wasting so much time and energy on it and getting no results.. I'm done.. no more role playing and probably no more Natsumi good luck everyone.
jp Natsumi
eng Dragontao >> Úterý listopad 11 - 14:31
They weren't that much weaker Natsumi, star value alone doesn't count for everything. Some of their players had higher tactics, reasonable primary stat levels. Keeper isn't far off yours. They also had home advantage and you don;t know what advanced tactics they used or how they affected the game. You also matched them up 442 diamond, which away from home normally means you need a much stronger team.

We've all been frustrated at some point but it would be very boring if only the best teams won ALL of the time.

If it was simply the strongest team on stats that won every game, we all might as well give up because it would be virtually impossible to catch the longstanding teams who are already far advanced in the arms race of facilities upgrades.

Just look at the top of the real Premier League in England this season. It's not all the best teams that are up there.

I lost to seemingly worse teams than myself last year, with a couple of exceptions, but also beat teams that seemed stronger.

If you really want to play a game where tactics are transparent and it is always the best team that wins, then maybe this isn't the game for you, but you've seemed to enjoy the banter and fun as well, so I hope that's not the case.

So I'd advise that you don't leave it looking like you are throwing your toys out of the pram. That would be a shame. There's a long way to go yet and you may well still be up there. Don't make hasty decisions like your sister did, or you may regret it.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
za Mister Buckley >> Úterý listopad 11 - 17:42
Natsumi, don't make the mistake your sister made and impulsively quit....

With that said, take my season as a example, I've had the worst start in a long time... And it just meant re thinking things and upping my antics where I can. I took the time to really look at the table and realised for the first time in a long time their is a balance in league two, not a three horse race... And that says a lot about the season we all have ahead
za Mister Buckley
eng Cloughie >> Úterý listopad 11 - 19:38
Come Natsumi the forum needs you. Look at my start! I lead the league for the first ten games last season... not even a bribe can buy me a win ...stuff it!

'It's all fun n games'
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Cloughie >> Úterý listopad 11 - 19:48
0-0! another bore draw but on the bright side a clean sheet .... what's going on my defenders are actually turning up sober!
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies