Teemu >>
sobota srpen 31 - 22:56 I didn't write my goals beginning of season 4. My goals were 2nd place in the league and winning a cup. I failed but I got better place than ever before in the league table, 3rd place. I have to be happy of course.
Turun Jyrät dominates the league as he likes. Other teams are pretty close with each other if we look the league table.
Next seasons would be much harder because teams get better and better and I have to keep up with.
Lyhyesti... Kauden tavoite oli sijoittuminen kakkoseksi liigassa ja cup-voitto. Kumpaakaan tavoitetta ei täytetty. Parannettiin kuitenkin sijoitusta, joka on tähän mennessä paras sarjasijoitus.