Liga země Guyana sezóna 68

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Good to be Back/Discussion (2)

us Krzysztof Janek >> pátek Červen 23 - 15:58
Hey everyone, I returned to this game a couple of weeks ago after leaving in season 12 or 13 (used to be in this league from season 3 to 6 I believe)!

I thought this would be a good chance to have this league be more social so that we can all grow together, support each other, and in turn, make this experience more fun.

So what are your guys' plans after the season is over? I, personally,have to work on upgrading all of my facilities to the max, might look at doing some transfers as well!
us Krzysztof Janek
es Raulito33 >> Úterý srpen 25 - 14:23


Sorry for not having read the post before, but it would be good to know us better and try to be more sociable and for this league to be more competitive when it comes to having a better continental margin and when it comes to getting European titles.

We all have to help each other and we could improve the Guyana League a lot.


PS: Nice to meet you!

es Raulito33
gy Georgetown City FC