Liga země Indie sezóna 81

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Season 51: On to a more competitive first division... (2)

be Bartje_vM >> neděle březen 22 - 11:23

Hello guys,

It's my third season around here. First I barely stayed in, second one was slightly more easy to stay aboard.

Now I am not worried to sack, the squad is a little bit strengthened. But that was also needed, seen the coming of a few good squads. I noticed our division is getting more active and teams have become stronger. That can only be good for the country.

In 2nd division also you have some active managers, let's hope they can join us instead of those bots here still in 1st.

Good season to you all!

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
be Eckhart >> Úterý březen 31 - 10:45


Plans for this season are to build up my financial reserve, replace a defender and a midfielder. Planning to invest some money in youth or training facilty for better training.

Furthermore, I will aim for all competitions to get the titles.

Continental: I hope to end up in the groupstage of the championsleague, otherwise the continental league is also ok.

Succes to all!

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar