Liga země Spojené Státy sezóna 36

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Návrat do seznamu fóra

Season 76 (3)

us Mike >> pondělí Říjen 23 - 19:16

Good luck to all this season.  Perhaps there is a slight uptick in transfer prices.  I saw a bunch of YA4 (not even YA5) players go for over $100M this window, including a very average YA4 player of mine who went for $173M.

us Mike
us Colonials FC
us Peter >> pondělí Říjen 23 - 23:45, Editováno pondělí Říjen 23 - 23:45

I beat Manchester Dutch UTD 17-0 in the Youth Cup. I've never seen such destruction before.

Do you guys think Mercuric is gonna be all right

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us cdowne >> sobota listopad 25 - 20:25

My costa Rican team won the u21 Champions Cup.  Pretty pleased about it. 

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC