Liga země Spojené Státy sezóna 69

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Návrat do seznamu fóra

Season 14 (109)

us Ulysses >> pátek leden 30 - 22:43, Editováno pátek leden 30 - 22:51
This is worrisome - I can't use a lot of the good players on my roster for the Supercup because of the National team tournaments. I assume they should be done before the Supercup and I will eventually be able to update my roster; if not, it will be a much more difficult match (though the Terriers FC also have at least one player currently competing).
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Ulysses >> neděle Únor 1 - 05:07
I just pulled a really good player. He doesn't have supertalent caliber talent, but his worst fixed attribute is his 4.25 speed.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Cooper >> neděle Únor 1 - 11:58
Looks like I only have one player who might not be available for Supercup. It shouldn't matter what 11 the Polar Bears put out, I don't have much of a chance. Other than 500 experience, what do you get for winning the Supercup?
us Cooper
us John Deatrick >> neděle Únor 1 - 19:47
Nothing other than your name on a list. I always play my best prospects in the super cup
us John Deatrick