Liga i Indien sæson 22 [3.2]

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India NT season 9 (1)

in viktor >> søndag marts 30 - 01:57
I’d like to thank the entire indian community for choosing me to manage. I am humbled that you would place your faith and trust in me and I will endeavor to represent you with the utmost transparency and boldness. I would like to thank aptul for running such a fair campaign and would look forward to his inputs on how to train players not on my club team.
I would look forward to the entire community's inputs on strategy (match / training-wise / anything else)

I m going to run a more an-eye-on-the future wc qualifying campaign. If you have a problem with a decision feel free to drop me a line.
Itne Bazu Itne Sur , Gin Le dushman Dhyan Se ....
in viktor
in Air FC