Liga i Filippinerne sæson 43 [2]

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Diskuter din liga, hvem er favoritter til at vinde ligaen i denne sæson? Hvem vil rykke op og hvem vil rykke ned, hvordan klarer du dig i pokalen?

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VIP (4)

ph shaddao >> onsdag marts 5 - 08:07
Am I the only one who is not VIP here forever?
ph shaddao
ph Cresencio Fernando >> torsdag april 3 - 15:59
I am not VIP.
Is there a VIP forever ? That would be unfair.
ph Cresencio Fernando
ph Davao Griffins
ua Garfman >> tirsdag maj 6 - 21:56
There isn't. If you pay, you get VIP.
ua Garfman
Overordnet community manager
ph Garfman FC
ph Jacko >> søndag februar 28 - 04:57
Hi all, I am a VIP, but of course not forever :o), i will continue to do so as long as i can afford it.

The game needs its VIP's so it can continue to supply us all with this fantastic game.

ph Jacko