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Englisch >> Fragen

A short list (2)

il דוד >> dienstag oktober 10 - 15:32
How come my player Camil Muraru is not shortlisted for the national team?
il דוד
hr The best team
il Numpty >> dienstag oktober 10 - 17:03

This is from the Help:

Shortlist selection

The shortlist selection is made based on many criteria. Star value is only one of them. It is therefore possible that there are players on the shortlist that have a lower star value than other players from the same country that are not on the shortlist.

The goal of the shortlist is to contain the best keeper, the best 6 defenders, 5 midfielders and 3 forwards. The rest of the shortlist contains players that are either close to the best players or interesting for another reason. This may be because of special attributes, high talent or high main skill.

It's also possible that some players are selected because of the way they are trained, for example a DM and AM need different skills. The shortlist should contain several of both types.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets