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Englisch >> Grundsätzliches

Friends and match support (1)

eng M >> freitag april 3 - 23:37

Honestly,is there another way to get match support because its dawning on me that unless i sift through my friends list and slaughter all my friends with match whatch script i dont get my return. Does this get better later or should i just piss in the wind every home game? I love you can do that thing by making stories up to request supporters teams etc. Sure for example "My shirt munufacture couldnt make the new kit on time so I had to call some of the team members willing volunterily to help in the sewing department. Please show you're support by buying tickets". Woopy flippin do. I missed a home game and my attendance went from 45k to 35k,meaning my idea of upgrading stadium has gone. Does this get worse? in that at a certain level you have to be a supporter to even get the population of supporters to succed? or is it like the once admin said theres no way its gonna happen?

eng M