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Английский >> Вопросы

Can experience disappear? (13)

nl Ho_demi >> Понедельник Июль 24 - 16:22

In the current TW I bought this player https://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-2615511, who was sitting at 5k xp.

From some quick calculations it seems almost impossible that this player has this little skills however. He spent the last 7 seasons in a club who has a training complex at lvl 10, but even when taking an average of lvl 5 for the last 7 seasons he should have gathered > 100k xp (not even taking into account the matches he played as a fast learner).

I thought xp was a conserved quantity and I am actually just curious how this can happen?

*At the time of writing he had these trainable skills, and no trainable features:

Scoring: 0.39

Passing: 1.27

Duelling: 0.29

Blocking: 0.35

Tactics: 1

nl Ho_demi
nl VV Bokjes
il Numpty >> Понедельник Июль 24 - 16:56, Отредактирован Понедельник Июль 24 - 16:57

It's explained in the Help:


Fair play

We find it important that the transfer market is used for fair sales and purchases of players for realistic prices. In particular it is not meant to transfer money between accounts or to help friends by passing them good players for an unreasonable price.

The rules for tansfers are directed to limit the possibilities for abuse....

It is also not possible to pass a lot of (hidden) experience on a player you sell. You buy the player you see, when a player is sold a maximum of 5000 experience can be passed on to the new owner.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Ho_demi >> Понедельник Июль 24 - 18:18

Aah, I thought this was just a cap on what you can put on the transfer market, but I guess it just trashed all the spillover xp? That's a pretty hefty loss of potential market value then!

nl Ho_demi
nl VV Bokjes
il Numpty >> Понедельник Июль 24 - 18:40, Отредактирован Понедельник Июль 24 - 18:40

Well he should have had in the region of 200,000 xp before he got listed. 

Passing on hidden experience when selling a player wouldn't be fair. If a friend told you exactly how much xp there was on a player that would allow you to manipulate the transfer market. In some cases it may be possible to make a good estimate but not always.  So that's the reason for the restriction.  

It was the seller's choice not to spend it on the player before selling him, so that was his loss. The manager has been playing for over 7 years and seems to be making poor decisions. Either he doesn't put much effort into the game or simply doesn't have much of a clue. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Ho_demi >> Понедельник Июль 24 - 18:44

yeah I wasn't expecting a lot of xp on the player, it just didn't occur to me you wouldnt click through the 200k a bit to get the value up :)

nl Ho_demi
nl VV Bokjes
il Numpty >> Понедельник Июль 24 - 18:55, Отредактирован Понедельник Июль 24 - 21:47

What I think is common sense and entirely reasonable does not always match what others seem to think and do, even if it appears to be bordering on madness. 

This is especially true when it comes to topics that we can't discuss, such as politics and matters of faith and conscience. Logic and reason are often in short supply.  

It took me a very long time to work that out... 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Garfman >> Вторник Июль 25 - 07:55

Amen to that, Numpty.

ua Garfman
Главный администратор сообщества
ph Garfman FC
ph Cresencio Fernando >> Среда Июль 26 - 15:21

I don't understand how a player could be listed with high unspent XP.

There have been many times when I tried to list a player with around 10K xp and I was made to use some up before listing. It was always a case where there was not enough for the main attribute and I had to spend it on a secondary.  

ph Cresencio Fernando
ph Davao Griffins
il Numpty >> Среда Июль 26 - 16:00

Were those loans or transfers @CF? 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ph Cresencio Fernando >> Среда Июль 26 - 16:45, Отредактирован Среда Июль 26 - 16:50

Usually loans but sometimes transfers. And it does not happen consistently. I have never tried to list a player with 10k+ accumulated. Maybe we should test it.  

My question about the transaction being discussed... was the player listed or was this result of a transfer enquiry. Maybe the buyer had hopes to pick up some unused xp. 

I just listed a defender with 13k xp. 

ph Cresencio Fernando
ph Davao Griffins
il Numpty >> Среда Июль 26 - 17:06, Отредактирован Среда Июль 26 - 17:08

The reason I asked is that the game doesn't allow you to list loans with over 5,000 xp. As far as I know there's no such restriction on transfers.

In your case most likely it's only loans where you've had the problem. You may have successfully listed a few transfers with over 5,000 which would also explain why you think it's not consistent.

The original poster had bought the player a few hours before starting the thread.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ph Cresencio Fernando >> Среда Июль 26 - 17:40, Отредактирован Среда Июль 26 - 17:42

I am still curious if this transaction began with a listed player or a transfer enquiry.

And you could be right about the loaners. If it happens ever on a sale I will post.

ph Cresencio Fernando
ph Davao Griffins
nl Ho_demi >> Среда Июль 26 - 19:47

The player was listed!

nl Ho_demi
nl VV Bokjes