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Englisch >> Grundsätzliches

Market and free agency (2)

it Dave >> mittwoch juni 29 - 17:55

I think that's a useless waste to sell players to the bank. The values of some players are currently too high and it's impossibile to sell them, not even bot teams buy players with value of 7-8.25 (age 20) at the minimum allowed by the game. Then I can't understand why takings by TV are decreased this year. Market is now blocked and this is not a good thing. If I could suggest something, you could give the chance to managers to take a player per session by free agency market instead delete free players.

it Dave
it AC Valdinievole
il Numpty >> donnerstag juni 30 - 07:36, Geändert donnerstag juni 30 - 07:56

Larger countries with more levels and clubs get slightly more TV money at the higher levels. The reason yours has gone down is because Italy has dropped from 5 tiers to 4.

As for the rest you've identified a problem but there's a better solution.

Mainly as a result of every club having youth facilities the game has too many players.

So the older players and youngsters who are not good enough have to be removed in some way. Selling them to the 'bank' allows clubs to cash in on them instead of releasing them for free which would perhaps be more realistic. But this disproportionately benefits smaller clubs with near worthless players who they can't sell but can still raise a lot of money from the bank.

This money allows you buy players that you couldn't otherwise afford. Getting free players as well is to have your cake and eat it.

The correct solution is to revisit the market value formula which has not changed since all the high level facilities came in. Yesterday's top players are now 'amateurs' and only good enough to play at the lowest level. Their real value is now a small fraction of their in-game value which is what makes it so difficult to sell them.

However the simplest and best option is to change the transfer restrictions to make it easier to sell players at any asking price.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets