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Englisch >> Fragen

U21 squad help (3)

il trikotrako >> freitag mai 17 - 08:45
I have 4 U21 players in my main squad, 2 in my reserve squad, 8 in my Youth center. How can I start U21 squad? I need to promote the players in the Youth center to the reserve squad?
il trikotrako
nl Vincent de Boer >> freitag mai 17 - 08:47
Hi trikotrako.

You need to promote players to the reserve squad before you can use them in the U21 squad.
nl Vincent de Boer
au Mr Legs >> samstag mai 18 - 01:53
What are you doing with 8 in your youth center??? Get them out of there by offering them all contracts. And if you can't afford them, or their isn't room in your squads, put some players on the market to make room.
au Mr Legs